funny words for ststus facebook

I "again climbing wall in facebook friends"

: "If I were as strong as superman, I'd be strong to not log into facebook"

: "I find that my ex-boyfriend was long gone, when typing his name dipencarian facebook there were 2561 people with the same name, which sebenanrnya my boyfriend!"

: "I do not have one friend difacebook, how to find friends on facebook? "

: "Is there going to add a funny facebook status? : D. if there is a direct comment below ya :)

"Rok mu .. raise my signal"

"My grandmother told me if we eat the devil ga read prayers follow food,
yes I've read the prayer'll eat ga ghost ate. "

"Well fitting a new drink I read the prayer, I'll be drinking demons ga ..
Serves tuh ... Satan, choking ..! "

"@ JAR, you just sound kuntilanak denger not? | Yes Jon, really scary! | Yes olooh .. Luckily I denger ga ..
^ o ^ "

"When a blind man I spy a shower, then he is the story of the deaf, then to the story of the deaf mute. Dumb people then shout:

"The new way of eating oreo ..
diputer ditrawang licked then discarded .. "

"Ngrokok ahh, let nyamuk2 women who miscarry .."

"Noodles tasty curry kick, turning kick aq huft gag even spilled ... so eat"

"Now you've gone, leave me alone
Remember you crying
Laughing my tears when you left off ... "

"... * (Sitting on railroad tracks while eating fried)"

by @ Rifan: "last time I called for under some" Irwansyah Irwansyah "... then peek .. he Nanya gini "Acha Septriansah her ​​where?" ... walahhh so how come ... "

"See you at kmaren madman who I call" Irwansyah ".. I call him instead skrg "Budi towel" ... I wrote LGS vague fear of alleged defamation .. "

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